Make Money in Stocks: Complete Investing System

I remember the thrill and fear of starting in the stock market. I was eager to make money but didn’t know how. My journey was full of ups and downs until I found a system that changed everything.

Now, I’m excited to share this system with you. It has helped over 2 million people like me build wealth. Based on the work of William J. O’Neil, CAN SLIM has made investing easier for many. It helps people make smart choices in the stock market and earn good returns.

If you’re new to investing or have been doing it for a while, this guide is for you. It gives you the tools and strategies to make money in stocks, stock market investing, investment strategies, portfolio management, trading techniques, risk management, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, asset allocation, and wealth building. Get ready for a journey to financial freedom.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover a proven investing system for making money in the stock market
  • Learn essential principles and techniques to maximize your gains and minimize losses
  • Understand the importance of fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and risk management
  • Develop a comprehensive investment strategy for building long-term wealth
  • Gain the confidence and knowledge to navigate the stock market with success

Introduction: Learning From the Greatest Winners

Learning from the top investors is key for any investor. How to Make Money in Stocks shares lessons from the best in the stock market from 1880 to 2009. It reveals how top investors found new opportunities, timed the market, and built wealth.

Over 2 million investors have tried the system in this book. It comes from 25 years of financial journalism at Investor’s Business Daily. The book looks at over 1,000 great stock market winners and the best winners from 1952 to 2001.

By studying these top investors, readers can learn about investment psychology, stock market trends, and investment rules. These strategies helped the best traders and investors succeed. The book teaches how to spot trading setups and use stock trading strategies to build a winning portfolio.

“The income from investments can help reach financial goals and provide security.”

For both new and experienced investors, How to Make Money in Stocks is full of useful advice. It helps you move through the stock market with confidence and reach your financial goals.

C = Current Quarterly Earnings per Share: The Higher the Better

The CAN SLIM system looks closely at a company’s current earnings per share (EPS). Stocks with strong earnings growth tend to do well. By checking financial statements and spotting growth trends, investors can find good investment chances.

Analyzing Company Financials and Growth Trends

For the CAN SLIM strategy, look for companies with earnings up 18% to 20% from last year’s same quarter. Even better, a growth rate above the last quarter’s increase is ideal. The strategy also wants positive earnings per share for the current quarter.

For yearly growth, the CAN SLIM system looks for at least 25% in earnings per share over five years. This shows companies with steady growth and profits.

Looking at a company’s fundamental analysis, like its financial statements and growth trends, is key in the CAN SLIM stock trading strategies. By picking stocks with the best earnings growth, investors can boost their chances of finding top investments and how to make money in stocks complete investing system.

A = Annual Earnings Increases: Look for Significant Growth

Investing in the stock market means looking for companies with strong earnings growth. Experts say stocks that grow their earnings each year are likely to bring big returns.

Studies show that earnings growth is more important than the P/E ratio for stock success. You should find companies with at least 15% growth in earnings per share over five years.

To find these stocks, look for companies with new products, new management, or good changes in their industry. Focus on stocks that are moving up after a period of stability and are close to new highs. This could mean they’re about to grow more.

Stocks with fewer shares often do better than those with more shares. This is because it takes more buyers to move stocks with more shares. When investing, sell stocks that are not doing well first. Keep the best stocks longer as they tend to get stronger while the weak ones fall further.

By focusing on companies with strong earnings growth, you can find the next big winners in the stock market. This is a key part of the successful CAN SLIM investing strategy.

N = New Products, New Management, New Highs: Buying at the Right Time

Successful stock trading strategies focus on spotting new chances and market trends. The “N” in CAN SLIM stands for new products, new management, or new highs. Buying stocks at these times can lead to big gains.

Identifying Emerging Opportunities and Market Trends

Investment expert William J. O’Neil says buying stocks on the rise is key. He recommends choosing higher-priced stocks over lower ones. Stocks near their yearly highs often do better than those that have fallen a lot in price.

O’Neil looked at 100 charts of top stock winners from 1880 to 2008. He found that certain price patterns and structures keep repeating. The cup and handle pattern is a common sign of a stock going up.

Winning stocks have certain traits, like CAN SLIM. This includes Current big or accelerating quarterly earnings and sales per share, Annual earnings increases, and New products, new management, new highs. O’Neil looks for at least a 25% to 50% jump in earnings from the same quarter last year when picking stocks.

New products, new management, and new highs are key for a company’s stock performance. Companies like Syntex, Cisco Systems, and Apple show this. The law of supply and demand also affects stock prices, making quick price changes possible with less supply.

“95% of the top 500 stock market winners had a major new product or service, new management, or a positive change in their industry.”

By using these indicators, investors can spot new chances and follow market trends. This helps them make profitable stock trading choices.

S = Supply and Demand: Shares Outstanding Plus Big Volume Demand

Understanding supply and demand is key to making money in stocks. The “S” in the CAN SLIM system focuses on this. By looking at a stock’s shares and trading volume, you can see if there’s enough demand to push the price up.

Shares outstanding means the total shares a company has and its shareholders hold. Fewer shares mean the stock is rarer, which can make it more in demand and possibly increase its price. But, many shares might mean the stock is too common and may not go up much.

Watching trading volume is also important. High volume on up days shows strong interest and buying. This helps spot stocks likely to keep rising.

“The first step in picking big stock market winners is to examine past leaders to identify characteristics of successful stocks.”

  1. Search for stocks with fewer than 100 million shares outstanding.
  2. Keep an eye on the stock’s daily trading volume and a spike on up days means more people want it.
  3. Use shares and volume to find stocks with a good balance of supply and demand.

By focusing on the “S” in the CAN SLIM system, you can better understand supply and demand. This helps you find stocks likely to go up in value.

L = Leader or Laggard: Which Is Your Stock?

In the stock market, not all companies are the same. Some lead with strong positions and growth, while others trail. Knowing which group a stock belongs to is key in the CAN SLIM investing method.

Evaluating Company Performance and Market Position

To see if a stock leads or lags, check its performance and market spot. Look for signs like:

  • Earnings Growth: Choose companies with earnings up 25% or more each quarter and year.
  • Innovative Products or Services: Find companies with new products or changes in management, signaling growth.
  • Supply and Demand: Check the number of shares and look for buybacks, showing investor trust.
  • Industry Ranking: Pick stocks beating others in their group, likely leaders with strong advantages.

By looking at a company’s finances, growth, and market spot, you can tell if it leads or lags. This is vital for stock market investing and investment strategies with the CAN SLIM method for how to make money in stocks complete investing system.

I = Institutional Sponsorship: Follow the Leaders

When looking at portfolio management and building wealth, consider institutional sponsorship as a key factor. This means big financial institutions like mutual funds and hedge funds buy and hold stocks. They are big players in the market.

Following the how to make money in stocks complete investing system, stocks with strong institutional support are likely to go up in value. These investors use lots of research and resources. Their choices can really affect a stock’s price.

  • Mutual funds, pension funds, and other big investors often buy a lot of shares in leading companies.
  • Looking at who owns these stocks can show you which ones are doing well and supported by big investors.
  • By watching these big investors, you could put your money in stocks that are likely to grow over time.

It’s important to pick stocks that are not just strong and growing but also have big investors behind them. This mix can help you find good portfolio management chances and make more money in the stock market.

The how to make money in stocks complete investing system says to look at everything when picking stocks. Think about things like institutional support, along with other factors, to find the best stocks. This can help you build a strong portfolio management strategy.

M = Market Direction: How to Determine It

Knowing the market’s direction is key in the CAN SLIM system. It helps you make better trades and increase your profits. We’ll show you how to spot the market cycle and use timing strategies to make the most of it.

Recognizing Market Conditions

Being able to tell if the market is going up, down, or sideways is crucial. This lets you adjust your trading techniques and asset allocation to profit from the situation. It’s vital for a solid how to make money in stocks complete investing system.

  • Bull markets: Rising stock prices and optimism mean it’s a good time for growth investments.
  • Bear markets: Falling prices and pessimism suggest a defensive investment strategy is needed.
  • Sideways markets: These markets are tough, so focus on finding good values and defensive plays.

Understanding market cycles and what drives them helps you position your portfolio well. This leads to steady and profitable how to make money in stocks complete investing system.

“In those five instances described, the markets were either crazily elevated or massively depressed.”

To figure out the market’s direction, look at economic indicators, sector trends, and investor feelings. By staying updated and flexible, you can use timing strategies to benefit from market changes. This approach helps you reach your investment goals with a solid how to make money in stocks complete investing system.

how to make money in stocks complete investing system

Investing in stocks can be profitable if you have a good plan. William O’Neil’s How to Make Money in Stocks is a guide for over 2 million investors. It teaches the secrets of successful investing.

O’Neil’s system is based on the CAN SLIM strategy. This seven-step process beats the S&P 500 often. A 12-year study showed CAN SLIM made 2,763.3% return, while the market made 14.9%.

The How to Make Money in Stocks book has 100 charts for spotting trends. The eIBD subscription offers tools to use these strategies. For those who like learning by doing, the live workshop teaches the CAN SLIM system and how to use it.

“I figured I made more money in stocks using IBD as my daily resource than I’ve made as a CPA over the last 10 years.”

How to Make Money in Stocks is great for both new and experienced investors. It teaches stock trading, dividend investing, and value investing step by step. Learning the CAN SLIM system helps you understand the stock market better.

The CAN SLIM system focuses on finding the market’s top performers. It looks at earnings, growth, new products, management, supply and demand, leadership, sponsorship, and market direction. This helps investors find stocks with great long-term potential.

If you want to improve your investing skills, How to Make Money in Stocks is the right choice. It offers proven strategies and easy-to-use resources. This book can help you make money in stocks and reach your financial goals.

Source : Edit Canva

Nineteen Common Mistakes Most Investors Make

As an investor, it’s key to dodge common traps that can hurt your investment results. From investment psychology to investment rules, knowing and avoiding these 19 mistakes can boost your success in the how to make money in stocks complete investing system.

  1. Failing to cut losses quickly: Holding onto losing positions too long can harm your portfolio.
  2. Overleveraging your portfolio: Too much borrowing and risk-taking can quickly erase your profits.
  3. Chasing “hot” stocks or trends: Joining the latest trend often ends in disappointment.
  4. Ignoring diversification: Putting all your money in one place can risk everything.
  5. Letting emotions drive your decisions: Fear, greed, and overconfidence can distort your judgment.
  6. Failing to do your research: Investing without knowing the company or industry leads to poor decisions.
  7. Trying to time the market: Predicting short-term market moves is nearly impossible.
  8. Neglecting portfolio rebalancing: Allowing your asset mix to drift can add risk.
  9. Failing to review and adjust your investment strategy: Sticking to a fixed plan prevents adapting to market changes.
  10. Ignoring the power of compounding: Not reinvesting dividends and letting returns compound can limit long-term growth.

Avoiding these common errors and having a disciplined investment psychology and investment rules will help you master the how to make money in stocks complete investing system. Successful investing needs patience, hard work, and a readiness to learn from mistakes.

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” – Phillip Fisher

When to Sell and Take Profits or Cut Losses

Knowing when to sell a stock is as important as knowing when to buy. A disciplined exit strategy is key for trading setups, risk management, and success in the stock market. We’ll look at strategies for taking profits and cutting losses. This helps protect your gains and limit your losses.

Defining Your Exit Plan

Setting a clear goal and an exit strategy is crucial in the how to make money in stocks complete investing system. It reduces emotional decisions and keeps you on track with your goals. You can set a target price or percentage return to know when to sell stocks.

Using “stop-loss” orders is also a good idea. These orders sell your stocks if the price drops below a set level. This limits big losses and protects your portfolio.

Factors to Consider When Selling

  • Market conditions: A booming market might make you want to hold stocks for more returns. But, economic downturns or recessions might make you rethink your positions.
  • Stock performance indicators: Falling sales, increasing debts, management changes, or regulatory issues can signal it’s time to review your investment.
  • Personal financial goals: Your savings or investment goals can help decide when to sell stocks.

A disciplined approach to trading setups and risk management is crucial. By setting profit targets, using stop-loss orders, and monitoring your investments, you can make smart decisions. This helps protect your gains.

“The key to successful investing is not avoiding all mistakes, but rather minimizing the damage from the inevitable mistakes that will occur.” – Peter Lynch

Portfolio Diversification and Risk Management

Building long-term wealth in the stock market means focusing on diversification and managing risk. Spread your money across various asset classes, industries, and strategies. This approach helps you earn more while keeping your risk low.

Investing in different types of assets like stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, and precious metals is key. A diverse stock portfolio includes a mix of companies from different sectors. This reduces the risk of losing money due to one company’s problems.

Bonds and fixed-interest investments are great for diversifying because they don’t move with the stock market. Real estate and gold can also help keep your portfolio stable when the market drops. But, currencies might not be the best choice for long-term investments because they offer low returns and can be affected by inflation.

It’s important to regularly check and adjust your portfolio to keep it balanced. Your mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets should match your age, income needs, and goals. With smart diversification and risk management, you can confidently navigate the stock market and grow your wealth over time.

“Diversification is the only free lunch in investing.” – Harry Markowitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics


The CAN SLIM investing system is a proven way to find and profit from the stock market’s top performers. It gives you the skills and tools to make smart investment choices. This guide helps you build wealth in the stock market.

William O’Neil’s research over 100 years shows how to spot growth stocks and time your moves. It teaches you to look at a company’s finances and find innovative leaders. This method gives you a clear way to pick stocks and manage your portfolio.

For both new and experienced investors, this book offers valuable advice. It teaches you how to succeed in the stock market. By learning these strategies, you can invest with confidence and aim for long-term success.


What is the CAN SLIM investing system?

The CAN SLIM investing system is a detailed method for picking stock market winners. It was created by William J. O’Neil. Over 2 million investors have used it to grow their wealth over time.

What are the key factors in the CAN SLIM system?

The CAN SLIM system looks at 7 key factors. These include current earnings, annual earnings growth, new products, and market leadership. It also considers supply and demand, institutional sponsorship, and market direction.

How does analyzing a company’s current earnings growth help with the CAN SLIM strategy?

Stocks with high current earnings growth tend to perform well. Checking a company’s financials and spotting sustainable growth is key in CAN SLIM.

Why is it important to focus on companies with a history of significant annual earnings increases?

Companies that grow their earnings consistently are more likely to give strong returns. The CAN SLIM system aims to find these high-growth companies.

How does the “N” in CAN SLIM help with timing stock purchases?

The “N” in CAN SLIM helps you spot trends like new products or management. This can help you buy stocks at the best time for profit.

What role does supply and demand play in the CAN SLIM approach?

Supply and demand, like shares outstanding and trading volume, show if a stock can go up. The “S” in CAN SLIM teaches you to look at these indicators.

How does identifying market leaders vs. laggards benefit the CAN SLIM strategy?

Knowing a company’s competitive edge and strength in its industry is key in CAN SLIM. It helps you pick stocks that lead the market and likely perform better.

Why is institutional sponsorship an important factor in the CAN SLIM system?

Stocks with support from big investors like mutual funds can rise in price. The “I” in CAN SLIM shows how to use this info to your advantage.

How does understanding market direction benefit the CAN SLIM investing approach?

Knowing the market’s direction is vital for CAN SLIM. It helps you make the best timing decisions, whether the market is up, down, or steady.

What are some common mistakes that the CAN SLIM system helps investors avoid?

CAN SLIM warns against 19 common mistakes, like not cutting losses or over-leveraging. Avoiding these errors is key to success over time.

How does the CAN SLIM system address portfolio diversification and risk management?

CAN SLIM teaches how to spread out your investments and manage risks. It offers strategies for picking assets, industries, and strategies to increase returns while reducing risks.

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